Summer Cooling Tips

Simple ways to keep your home cool this summer.

With summer temperatures getting warmer each year we thought we’d share some great tips to help keep your home cooler on those warmer days and save money in the process.

1. Close your blinds
Keeping your blinds closed during the day can significantly decrease the amount of heat entering your home. This practice can save you up to 10% on your cooling costs during summer. Investing in block-out curtains, particularly for those windows that receive the most sun during the day, will also help shield your home from heat.

2. Block the heat
Preventing heat from entering your home in the first place means spending less on cooling. Shading windows and walls using external coverings like blinds, awnings or large potted plants is a great way to achieve this. Long term, planting deciduous trees that cast shade over your home in summer while, still providing some warmth in winter, is a great way to assist with reducing your costs.

3. Just 1 degree Celsius more
Some days using your air-conditioner is a must, however, with correct temperature management, you can increase the efficiency and save a little money at the same time. For the best efficiency set your thermostat to between 24 and 27 degrees Celsius (or, as high as you are comfortable with). Your thermostat setting determines the temperature your air-conditioner will maintain in your house, and by increasing this by just 1 degree in warm weather can reduce the running cost of your appliance by 10%.

4. Adjust ceiling fans
Depending on which direction your ceiling fan is rotating changes the effectiveness of it’s operation in summer and in winter. During summer a counterclockwise rotation helps to create a cooling downdraft in your home, whereas in winter, it is best to have your fan rotating in a clockwise direction to create and updraft that helps to circulate the warm air.

5. Close doors and seal gaps
Close doors to rooms you aren’t using to keep cool air concentrated in the areas where you need it the most. Seal gaps around doors and windows, and use draught excluders to help prevent cool air from escaping.

6. Hang out in the evening
Opening up your house when it’s cooler in the evening is an effective way to create a natural flow of air that will cool your home naturally.

7. Chill out, not chill on
Drinking icy-cold drinks, applying a damp cloth to your neck or having a cold shower to cool your body is a great way to decrease the amount of energy you use to keep yourself cool during those hotter parts of the day.

8. Hack a fan
No air-con? No worries! A cleverly-positioned bowl of ice is all you need to turn a fan into a cold mist machine. By placing a shallow bowl or pan of ice in front of a fan you can create your own icy breeze to help cool the environment.

9. Choose cotton
Cotton fabrics are super breathable and help cool your body. Wear light, loose clothing made of breathable fabrics like cotton, and fit your bed with cotton sheets to help keep you cooler when you sleep.

10. Change your lightbulbs
Energy-saving bulbs (LED) produce far less heat than their counterparts. By changing your lightbulbs to these you can not only help keep your home cool, but save considerably on energy costs as well – that’s a win-win!
